Aufklärungsschule 2 H (Heer)


Formed 1.7.34 in Hildesheim as Aufklärungsschule Hildesheim, with Nahaufkl.Lehrgang and Fernaufkl.Lehrgang. On 3.10.39 moved to Brieg (Nahaufkl.Lehrgang) and was renamed Aufklärungsschule Brieg (the Fernaufkl.Lehrgang had moved to Jüterbog-Waldlager 1.9.39, and became Aufklärungsschule 3).

On 16.1.40 renamed Aufklärungsschule 2, and in 10.42 became Nahaufklärungsschule 2, now with:

Stab/Nahaufklärungsschule 2 at Brieg
I./Nahaufklärungsschule 2 at Brieg (Kdr.: Maj Johannes Sieckenius)
II./Nahaufklärungsschule 2 at Jüterbog-Damm from Aufklärungserprobungsstab with 2 staffeln (Kdr.: Maj Anton Vinek, from 5.1.43 Hptm Helmut von Dressler)

On 15.2.43 redesignated Nahaufklärungsgeschwader 102:

Stab/Nahaufklärungsschule 2 became Stab/NAG102
I./Nahaufklärungsschule 2 became I./NAG102
II./Nahaufklärungsschule 2 became II./NAG102

Used the following aircraft: Ar 66, Ar 96, Bf 109, Bv 141, Fw 189, He 45, He 46, Hs 126 and W.34.


* II. Gruppe at Jüterbog-Damm, 10.42 - 2.43

© 1997-2003 Michael Holm