Flugzeugführerschule A/B 2


Formed 7.10.39 in Magdeburg-Süd as FFS (A/B) Magdeburg-Süd from FFS E (A/B) Hannover-Vahrenwald.

Disbanded 31.12.39 (thus never becoming FFS A/B 2 as planned), and was absorbed by Schule/FAR.21.

Reformed 1.6.41 in Luxeuil from II. Lehrgang des Schule/FAR.21, under Höh.Fl.Ausb.Kdo. 13.

In 5.42 absorbed parts of Flugzeugführerschule A/B 120. On 15.10.43 redesignated Flugzeugführerschule A2; 2.45 at Dornberg bei Würzburg under 1. Fliegerschul-Division. No training from 7.44.

Used the following aircraft: Ar 66, Ar 96, Avia FL.3, Bü 131, Bü 181, C.445, Fw 44, FN 305, Fw 56, Fw 58, He 45, He 51, Kl 35, Lombardi 3, Ro 41 and W.34


* satellite airfields: Strassburg-Entzheim, Lahr and Malbouhans

** satellite airfields: Luxeuil

© 1997-2003 Michael Holm