Luftkriegsschule 7
- ?
- GenMaj Dietrich Volkmann, 1.40 - 16.4.45
Formed 1939 in Wien-Seyring as Luftkriegsschule Wien-Seyring, from 10.39 Luftkriegsschule Tulln.
On 15.1.40 redesignated Luftkriegsschule 7 (LKS 7).
During 1940 absorbed the Kriegsoffiziersnachwuchsschule der Luftflotte 2 and parts of Flugzeugführerschule A/B 112 (8.40).
Pilot training ended 12.44.
Divided into 3 Alarm-Bataillone in 3.45 for the defence of Wien (2 Bataillone) and Tulln (1 Bataillon). Officially disbanded 16.4.45.
Used the following aircraft: Ar 96, Bü 131, Bü 181, C.445, Fw 56, Fw 58, Go 145, Grunau Baby, He 72, Kl 35, Si 204, W.33 and W.34
1939 - 10.39 Regensburg-Obertraubling 10.39 - 4.45 Tulln-Langenlebarn*
* satellite airfields: Budweis, Wien-Seyring, Bierbaum, Dt. Wagram
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