gemischte Flak-Abteilung 125 (v)
Formed 4.40 in Berlin, with 1. - 5. Batterien (1. - 3. schwere and 4. - 5. leichte). Until 7.42 known as Reserve-Flak-Abteilung 125.
6./gem.125 was formed in 6.43.
Diabanded 1.44:
4./gem.125 became 6./373
5./gem.125 became 5./373Service:
- 1939/41 in Berlin and Magdeburg
- 2.41 to Bulgaria/Romania
- 1941/42 in Romania*
- 12.42 at Tazinskaya
- 2.43 at Rostow
- 3.43 at Poltawa
- 1943 at Fastow and Kiew
- 1.11.43 under 10. Flak-Division (Stab/Flak-Regiment 77)
- 1.1.44 under 10. Flak-Division (Stab/Flak-Regiment 77)
* no casualties are recorded with the unit until december 1942, indicating that it remained well behind the front-line during this period, the most likely place being Romania.
Fieldpost numbers: Stab (11219), 1. Batterie (11418), 2. Batterie (11923), 3. Batterie (12488), 4. Batterie (12677), 5. Batterie (12911), 6. Batterie (50916)
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