Flak-Regiment 604
I./Flak-Regiment 604 (gem. mot.):
Formed 6.41 in Rastenburg with:
Stab I./604 from Stab/Res.Flak-Abt. 604
1. - 5./604 from 1. - 5./Res.Flak-Abt. 604
6./604 from 1./407
7./604 from 4./321
8./604 from 5./321
It's primary duty was protection of the Führer-HQ in Ostpreussen.
In 12.42(?) redesignated Führer-Flak-Abteilung:
Stab I./604 became Stab/Führer-Flak-Abt.
1. - 3./604 became 1. - 3./Führer-Flak-Abt.
4./604 became 5./Führer-Flak-Abt.
5./604 became 6./Führer-Flak-Abt.
6./604 became 4./Führer-Flak-Abt.
7. - 8./604 became 9. - 10./Führer-Flak-Abt.
- 6.41 - 12.42 at Rastenburg
© 1997-2003 Michael Holm