Flak-Regiment 78
Stab/Flak-Regiment 78 (mot.):
- Oberst Kurt Nabakowski, 6.42 - 5.43
- Obstlt Johann Zieger, 3.44 - 5.45
Formed 6.42 in Luftgau XVII. Destroyed 5.43.
Reformed 14.6.44 in Italy from Stab/Flak-Regiment Zieger (formed 3.44?).
- 6.42 - 5.43 in Africa
- 5.43 destroyed in Tunisia, 20. Flak-Division
- 1.4.44 in Italy under 3. Flak-Brigade with gem. I./241 (mot.), s.116 (v), s.163 (v), le.99 (v), III./FAS 2 and 1. Vers.Bttr. FAS I
- 1.5.44 under 3. Flak-Brigade with s.163 (v), s.376 (v), III./FAS 2 and 1. Vers.Bttr. FAS I
- 1.6.44 in Italy under 22. Flak-Brigade with gem. II./37 (mot.), s.386 (v), s.237 (v), s.212 (v), s.247 (v), s.334 (v), le.723 (v), le.734 (v) and le.88 (mot.)
- 1.7.44 under 3. Flak-Brigade with s.354 (o), s. 1.-3./376 (v), s. 4./334 (v) and le.760 (v)
- 1.8.44 under 3. Flak-Brigade with 1.-3./le.82 (mot.), 1.-4./s.192 (v), 1.-4./s.354 (v), 1.-4./s.487 (o), 1.-4./s.646 (o) and 1.-4./le.760 (v)
- 1.9.44 under 3. Flak-Brigade with Stab, 1.-3./le.88 (mot.); Stab, 1.-4./s.167 (v); Stab, 1.-4./s.354 (v) and Flak-Transport-Bttr. 151./IV; Stab, 1.-4./s.376 (v) and Flak-Transport-Bttr. 47./XII; Stab, 1.-4./s.487 (o); Stab, 1.-4./le.717 (v); Stab, 1.-4./le.760 (v); Flak-Transport-Bttr. 142./VII
- 1.10.44 under 3. Flak-Brigade with le.88 (mot.), s.354 (v), s.376 (v), le.760 (v) and Flak-Transport-Bttr. 151./IV
- 1.11.44 under 3. Flak-Brigade with le.88 (mot.); s.167 (v); s.354 (v); Stab, 3.-4./s.376 (v); s.489 (v) and 1.-2./s.376 (v); le.507 (v); s.523 (v); le.760 (v); le.945 (v); Flak-Transport-Bttr. 151./IV and 142./VII
- 1.12.44 under 3. Flak-Brigade with le.88 (mot.); s.354 (v); s.376 (v); le.507 (v); Stab, 1.-2., 4./le.760 (v); Flak-Transport-Bttr. 151./IV and 142./VII
- 1944/45 in Italy
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