Generalkommando III. Flakkorps

Kommandierender General:

Chef des Stabes:

Hintz was involved in an autoaccident 14.5.44 and died 21.5.44. Rantzau became POW on 18.4.45.

Formed 22.2.44 in Paris from Stab/11. Flak-Division, subordinated to Luftflotte 3, with (1.3.44):

Went into combat 6.6.44 at Normandy with:

Most of the korps were destroyed in the Falaise-pocket. The remains of the corps withdrew to Germany, and on 9.44 was at Cochem, supporting Heeresgruppe B, now under Luftwaffenkommando West.

Organisation 1.10.44:

Organisation 1.11.44:

Now controlled:

In 12.44 16. Flak-Division left the corps. Took part in the Battle of the Bulge. In February 1945 both 18. Flak-Brigade and 19. Flak-Brigade left the corps.

2.45 with:

On 23.2.45 7. Flak-Division joined the corps, followed by 22. Flak-Division in April 1945. Destroyed 4.45 in the Ruhr-pocket.

Subordinated to Luftflotte 3 (2.44 - 9.44) and Luftwaffenkommando West (9.44 - 4.45).

© 1997-2003 Michael Holm