Flieger-Ausbildungs-Regiment 23


Formed 1.4.39 in Kaufbeuren from Flieger-Ersatz-Abteilung 23 with:

II. Ausbildungs-Bataillon was formed in 1940, while the Schule/FAR.23 left the regiment 1.10.41, and became FFS A/B 23.

Moved to Döberitz-Eisgrund (11.39), Kaufbeuren (7.40), Belfort (10.41), Gorodok (10.42?) and Brjansk (4.43?).

Mainly anti-partisan duties at Gorodok and along the Vitebsk-Nevel railway line, and from spring 1943 operated mainly around Seschtschinskaja, between Roslavl and Brjansk

On 16.8.42 redesignated Flieger-Regiment 23.

Disbanded 14.7.43, and the remnants was absorbed by Luftwaffen-Feld-Division 20 in Denmark.


1939/40: Stab, I. (1-5), 6., 7., Schule
1941/42: Stab, I. (1-5), 7., II. (8-12)
1943: Stab, I. (1-5), II. (6-10) (?)

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