Luftnachrichten-Regiment 21


Activated 3.41 with:

On 24.9.41 Stab/Ln.Rgt.21 became Stab/Ln.Rgt.110, and was not replaced.

In late 1942 Stab III, Ger.Kol., 7. - 9./Ln.Rgt.21 became Stab, Ger.Kol., 1. - 3./Ln.Telegrafenbau-Abteilung zbV 10, but reverted back to their old designations again in 2.44.

5./Ln.Rgt.21 was disbanded 11.44, and Stab II./Ln.Rgt.21 was disbanded 4.45.


© 1997-2003 Michael Holm