Flugzeugführerschule A/B 21


Formed 1.34 in Magdeburg-Ost as Fliegerübungsstelle Magdeburg-Ost, from 1.8.37 as FFS B Magdeburg-Ost and from 1.11.38 as FFS A/B Magdeburg-Ost. On 1.4.39 attached to Flieger-Ausbildungs-Regiment 21, now as Schule/FAR.21.

On 1.1.40 absorbed FFS A/B 2 (as II. Lehrgang).

Disbanded 31.5.41, with I. Lehrgang becoming FFS A/B 124 and II. Lehrgang becoming FFS A/B 2.

Used the following aircraft: Ar 96 and others


1.34 - 1.1.40 Magdeburg-Ost*
1.1.40 - 31.5.41 Deblin-Irena**

* satellite airfields: Rothensee

** satellite airfields: Ulez, Lublin-Pulawy, Lublin-Swidnik and Biala-Podlaska

© 1997-2003 Michael Holm