schwere Flak-Abteilung 174 (o)

Formed 1.44 in Luftgau III with:

Stab/s.174 new
1./s.174 from 1./383
2./s.174 from 3./666
3./s.174 from 6./333
4./s.174 from 7./627

5. and 6./s.174 was formed in 12.44 from 4. and 5./413.


Fieldpost numbers: Stab (54433), 1. Batterie (37447), 2. Batterie (54683), 3. Batterie (55293), 4. Batterie (51566), 5. Batterie (49088), 6. Batterie (49771)

© 1997-2011 Michael Holm