Flak-Regiment 201
Stab/Flak-Regiment 201 (mot.):
- GenMaj Friedrich Römer, 10.39 - 2.6.40
- Oberst Adolf Pirmann, 3.6.40 - 31.7.41
- Obstlt Fritz Laicher, 31.7.41 - 8.41
- Oberst Herbert Bachus, 8.41 - 5.6.43
- Oberst Wilhelm Herzberg, 5.6.43 - 21.8.44
- Obstlt Hans Montka, 22.8.44 - 27.3.45
- Maj Raimund Maurer, 28.3.45 - 8.5.45
Formed 10.39 in Germany from Stab/Flak-Regiment 36, for the invasion of France, under II. Flakkorps.
- 10.5.40 under II. Flakkorps with I./6, II./26, I./64 and le.73
- 6.40 at Calais
- 8.40 at Calais under II. Flakkorps, with I./6, I./19, 173, 352, I./701 and Sw.309
- 10.40 at Calais
- 1.41 to Bulgaria with I./6, I./19 and I./23, supporting VIII. Fliegerkorps
- 4.41 supporting the 12th Armee with I./6, I./14, I./19, I./23 and le.77
- 5.41 to Athens as Flakgruppe Athens
- 1942 in Athens with 131, 804 and others
- 1.11.43 in Athens, under 19. Flak-Division, with s.143 (v), le.891 (v), le.754 (v), Sw.449 (v), gem.804 (v), gem. I./6 (mot.), gem. I./28 (mot.) and gem. II./25 (mot.)
- 1.1.44 under 19. Flak-Division, with s.143 (v), s.804 (v), le.754 (v), le.891 (v), gem. I./6 (mot.), gem. I./28 (mot.), gem. II./25 (mot.) and Sw.449 (v)
- 1.2.44 under 19. Flak-Division, with s.143 (v), s.804 (v), le.754 (v), le.891 (v), gem. I./6 (mot.), gem. II./25 (mot.), gem. I./28 (mot.) and Sw.449 (v)
- 1.3.44 in Athens, under 19. Flak-Division, with gem. II./25 (mot.), gem. I./28 (mot.), s.143 (v), s.804 (v), le.754 (v), le.891 (v) and Sw.449 (v)
- 1.4.44 under 19. Flak-Division, with gem. I./28 (mot.), s.143 (v), s.804 (v), le.754 (v), le.891 (v) and Sw.449 (v)
- 1.5.44 under 19. Flak-Division, with gem. I./28 (mot.), s.143 (v), s.804 (v), le.754 (v), le.891 (v) and Sw.449 (v)
- 1.6.44 under 19. Flak-Division, with s.143 (v), s.804 (v), le.754 (v), le.891 (v), gem. I./28 (mot.) and Sw.449 (v)
- 1.7.44 under 19. Flak-Division, with s.143 (v), s.804 (v), le.891 (v), gem. I./28 (mot.) and Sw.449 (v)
- 1.8.44 in Athens, under 19. Flak-Division, with gem. I./28 (mot.), s.143 (v), s.804 (v), le.891 (v) and Sw.449 (v)
- 1.9.44 under 19. Flak-Division, with gem. I./28 (mot.), s.143 (v), s.804 (v), Stab, 1.-3., 5.-6./le.891 (v)
- 1.10.44 under 19. Flak-Division, with gem. I./28 (mot.), s.804 (v), Stab, 1.-3., 5.-6./le.891 (v)
- 1.11.44 under 19. Flak-Division, with s.804 (v), Stab, 1.-3., 5.-6./le.891 (v)
- 1.12.44 under 19. Flak-Division, with s.804 (v), Stab, 1.-3., 5.-6./le.891 (v)
- 1944/45 in the Balkans
© 1997-2003 Michael Holm