Flak-Regiment 26
Stab/Flak-Regiment 26 (o):
- Obstlt Theodor Spiess, 1.10.36 - 31.3.37
- Oberst Braun, 31.3.37 - 15.11.38
- Oberst Hans Jürgen von Witzendorff, 15.11.38 - 31.1.41
- Obstlt Hans Frielinghaus, 2.41 - 6.41
- Obstlt Kurt-Julius Nabakowski, 6.41 - 6.42
- Oberst Max Hecht, 9.6.42 - 6.42
- Oberst Fritz von Sandrart, 6.42 - 16.3.45
- Obstlt Hans-Henning Schreiber, 17.3.45 - 5.45
Formed 1.10.36 in Dessau-Kochstedt. In 11.38(?) moved to Bremen, as Stab/Flak-Regiment 26 (mot.).
On 5.2.41 redesignated Stab/Flak-Brigade VIII.
Reformed 2.41 in Bremen as Stab/Flak-Regiment 26 (o).
- 10.36 - 2.38 under Höh.Kdr.d.Flakart. in Luftkreis VII
- 2.38 - 7.38 under Luftgaukommando XI
- 7.38 - 8.39 under Luftverteidigungskommando 6
- 1939 as Flakgruppe Bremen
- 10.5.40 on Ostfriesland (Flakgruppe Ostfriesland?)
- 2.41 - 1945 as Flakgruppe Bemen-Nord
- 1.11.43 under 8. Flak-Division, with s. 1.-5./531 (o), s. 1.-5./117 (o), s. 2.-3./390 (o), s. 2./542 (o), le. 1.-3./879 (o), s.Bttr. zbV 5926 (o), s.Bttr. zbV 5929 (o), s.Bttr. zbV 5930 (o), s.Bttr. zbV 5928 (o) and Ausw.Zug 290 (o)
- 1.1.44 under 8. Flak-Division, with le.531 (o), s. 2./275 (o), s.390 (o), s. 2./542 (o), le.879 (o) and s.Bttr.zbV 5919
- 1.2.44 under 8. Flak-Division, with s. 2.-6./390 (o), s. 2./275 (o), s.542 (o), le.531 (o), le.879 (o), s.Bttr. zbV 5919 and 1. Vers.Bttr.
- 1.3.44 under 8. Flak-Division, with s.390 (o), s. 2./275 (o), s.542 (o), le.531 (o), le.879 (o) and s.Bttr. zbV 5919
- 1.4.44 under 8. Flak-Division, with s.390 (o), s. 2./275 (o), s.542 (o), le.531 (o), le.879 (o) and le. 1., 4./277 (E)
- 1.5.44 under 8. Flak-Division, with s.390 (o), s. 2./542 (o), s. 2./275 (o), le.531 (o), le.879 (o) and s.Bttr. zbV 5919
- 1.6.44 under 8. Flak-Division, with s. 1., 3.-6./390 (o), s. 2./542 (o), s. 2./275 (o), le. 2.-4., 6./531 (o), le.879 (o) and s.Bttr. zbV 5919
- 1.7.44 under 8. Flak-Division, with s. 1., 3.-6./390 (o), s. 2./542 (o), s. 1./521 (o), s. 5./162 (o), le. 2.-4., 6./531 (o) and le.879 (o)
- 1.8.44 under 8. Flak-Division, with Stab, 1.-2., 5.-6./s.390 (o), Stab, 1.-2., 4., 6./s.531 (o), Stab, 1.-2., 4.-5./le.879 (o), 1./s.521 (o) and 2./s.542 (o)
- 1.9.44 under 8. Flak-Division, with Stab/s.390 (o) with 6 batteries (1.-3., 5.-6./s.390 (o), 2./s.542 (o)); Stab/s.531 (o) with 7 batteries (1.-4., 6./s.531 (o), 3./s.262 (o), 1./s.521 (o)); Stab/le.879 (o) with 4 batteries (1.-2., 4.-5./le.879 (o)) and Flak-Transport-Bttr. 129./VI
- 1.10.44 under 8. Flak-Division, with Stab/s.390 (o) with 5 batteries (1., 5.-6./s.390 (o), 4./s.531 (o), 2./s.542 (o)); Stab/s.531 (o) with 4 batteries (2.-3./s.531 (o), 3./s.262 (o), 1./s.521 (o)); Stab/le.879 (o) with 4 batteries (1.-2., 4.-5./le.879 (o)) and Flak-Transport-Bttr. 129./VI
- 1.11.44 under 8. Flak-Division, with Stab/s.390 (o) with 9 batteries (1., 5.-6./s.390 (o), 4./s.531 (o), 2./s.542 (o), 1.-2., 4.-5./le.879 (o)); Stab/s.531 (o) with 4 batteries (2.-3./s.531 (o), 3./s.262 (o), 1./s.521 (o)) and Flak-Transport-Bttr. 129./VI
- 1.12.44 under 8. Flak-Division, with Stab/s.390 (o) with 9 batteries (1., 5.-6./s.390 (o), 4./s.531 (o), 2./s.542 (o), 1.-2., 5.-6./le.879 (o)); Stab/s.531 (o) with 5 batteries (2.-3./s.531 (o), 3./s.262 (o), 1./s.521 (o), 4./le.879 (o)) and Flak-Transport-Bttr. 129./VI
- 1945 in Bremen-Nord
I./Flak-Regiment 26 (gem. mot.):
Formed 1.10.36 in Dessau-Kochstedt with 1. - 5. Batterien. On 15.11.38 redesignated II./Flak-Regiment 43.
Reformed 15.11.38 in Bremen-Nord from I./Flak-Regiment 27, with 1. - 5. Batterien.
Destroyed 7.44 in the Bobruisk area.
- 10.36 - 2.38 under Höh.Kdr.d.Flakart. in Luftkreis VII
- 2.38 - 7.38 under Luftgaukommando XI
- 7.38 - 8.39 under Luftverteidigungskommando 6
- 1939 at the Westwall (Saarbrücken area - St. Wendel & Dudweiler)
- 11.39 near Bitburg
- 1940 saw action in France, supporting VII. Armeekorps
- 28.6.40 - 5.41 in Lesum as Flakuntergruppe Lesum, under Stab/Flak-Regiment 26
- 1941 Koluft AOK.4 (Stab/Flak-Regiment 71) in Central Russia
- 5.42 - 1943 at Schaikowka
- 1941 - 1944 in Central Russia, 12. Flak-Division
- 1.11.43 not listed
- 1.1.44 under 12. Flak-Division (Stab/Flak-Regiment 101)
- 1.2.44 under 12. Flak-Division (Stab/Flak-Regiment 21)
- 1.3.44 under 10. Flak-Brigade (Stab/Flak-Regiment 21)
- 1.4.44 under 10. Flak-Brigade (Stab/Flak-Regiment 21)
- 1.5.44 under 10. Flak-Brigade (Stab/Flak-Regiment 34)
- 1.6.44 under 10. Flak-Brigade (Stab/Flak-Regiment 34)
- 1.7.44 under 10. Flak-Brigade (Stab/Flak-Regiment 34)
- 1.8.44 under 10. Flak-Brigade (Stab/Flak-Regiment 34)
- 7.44 destroyed at Bobruisk (140 men still missing)
- Not reformed
II./Flak-Regiment 26 (gem. mot.):
Formed 1.10.36 in Dessau-Kochstedt with 6. - 8. Batterie, as a leichte Abteilung. Disbanded 15.11.38.
Reformed 15.11.38 in Oldenburg from I./Flak-Regiment 62 with 6. - 10. Batterien.
- 10.36 - 2.38 under Höh.Kdr.d.Flakart. in Luftkreis VII
- 2.38 - 7.38 under Luftgaukommando XI
- 7.38 - 8.39 under Luftverteidigungskommando 6
- 1940 in West Germany under II. Flakkorps (Stab/Flak-Regiment 201)
- 8.40 at Calais, later in Luftgau III
- 6.41 in II. Flakkorps (Stab/Flak-Regiment 6), supporting Panzergruppe 4 (11. Pz.Div.) in Central Russia
- 1942 in Central Russia, 12. Flak-Division, later 18. Flak-Division
- 1.11.43 under 18. Flak-Division (Stab/Flak-Regiment 35)
- 1.1.44 under 10. Flak-Brigade (Stab/Flak-Regiment 35)
- 1.2.44 under 10. Flak-Brigade (Stab/Flak-Regiment 6)
- 1.3.44 under 18. Flak-Division (Stab/Flak-Regiment 6)
- 1.4.44 under 10. Flak-Brigade (Stab/Flak-Regiment 21)
- 1.5.44 under 12. Flak-Division (Stab/Flak-Regiment 21)
- 1.6.44 not listed
- 1.7.44 under 3. Flak-Brigade (Stab/Flak-Regiment 105)
- 1.8.44 under 3. Flak-Brigade (Stab/Flak-Regiment 105)
- 1.9.44 under 22. Flak-Brigade (Stab/Flak-Regiment 39)
- 1.10.44 under 25. Flak-Division (Stab/Flak-Regiment 39)
- 1.11.44 under 22. Flak-Brigade (Stab/Flak-Regiment 105)
- 1.12.44 under 22. Flak-Brigade (Stab/Flak-Regiment 105)
- 1.45 at Belluno
III./Flak-Regiment 26 (Sw. mot.):
Formed 15.11.38 in Hannover-Brothfeld with 11. - 13. Batterie, and later moved to Bremen-Nord.
In 8.43 renamed Flakscheinwerfer-Abteilung 581.
- 11.38 - 8.39 under Luftverteidigungskommando 6
- 1939 - 43 in Luftgau XI (Bremen?)
- 3.41 at Duisburg
- 7.42 at Duisburg
© 1997-2003 Michael Holm