Flak-Regiment 44
Stab/Flak-Regiment 44 (o):
- Oberst Erich Kressmann, 15.11.38 - 1.12.39
- Oberst Johann Seyfert, 1.12.39 - 30.9.40
- Obstlt Hans-Jürgen Nicolai, 10.40 - 3.42
- Oberst Karl Schuchardt, 1.4.42 - 1.43
- Oberst Kurt-Julius Nabakowski, 28.1.43 - 15.10.43
- Oberst Wilhelm Fuchs, 11.43 - 3.8.44
- Obstlt Friedrich Schröck, 4.8.44 - 1.45
- Oberst Ernst Schürmann, 1.45 - 5.45
Formed 15.11.38 in Essen-Kray. Known as Flakgruppe Essen, 9.39 - 5.45.
- 11.38 - 9.41 under Luftverteidigungskommando 4
- 9.41 - 5.45 under 4. Flak-Division
- 8.40/4.42 in Essen
- 1.11.43 in Essen with s.134 (o), s.321 (o), s.353 (o), s.233 (o), s.642 (o), s.462 (o), le.748 (o), le.718 (o), le.826 (o), Lsp. 4./103, Ausw.Zug 258 (o), Ausw.Zug 32 (v) and Ausw.Zug 44 (mot)
- 1.1.44 in Essen with s.134 (o), s.233 (o), s.321 (o), s.353 (o), s.462 (o), s.642 (o), le.718 (o), le.748 (o), le.826 (o) and Lsp.103 (v)
- 1.2.44 in Essen with s.134 (o), s.233 (o), s.321 (o), s.353 (o), s.462 (o), s.642 (o), le.718 (o), le.748 (o), le.826 (o) and Lsp.103 (v)
- 1.3.44 in Essen with s.134 (o), s.233 (o), s.321 (o), s.353 (o), s.462 (o), s.642 (o), le.718 (o), le.748 (o) and le.826 (o)
- 1.4.44 in Essen with s.134 (o), s.233 (o), s.321 (o), s.353 (o), s.462 (o), s.642 (o), le.718 (o), le.748 (o), le.826 (o) and s. 4./623 (o)
- 1.5.44 in Essen with s.134 (o), s.233 (o), s.321 (o), s.353 (o), s.462 (o), le.718 (o), le.748 (o), le.826 (o) and s. 4./623 (o)
- 1.6.44 in Essen with s.134 (o), s.233 (o), s.321 (o), s.353 (o), s.462 (o), s. 3.-4./623 (o), le.718 (o), le.748 (o), le.826 (o), s.Flak-Bttr.zbV 10400 and 10411
- 1.7.44 in Essen with s.134 (o), s.233 (o), s.321 (o), s.353 (o), s.462 (o), le.718 (o), le.748 (o), le.826 (o), s. 3.-4./623 (o), s.Flak-Bttr.zbV 10400 and 10411
- 1.8.44 in Essen with s.134 (o), s. 1.-3., 5.-6./233 (o), s.321 (o), s.353 (o), s.462 (o), s. 4./623 (o), le.718 (o), le. 1.-2., 4.-5./748 (o), le.826 (o), s.Flak-Bttr.zbV 10400 and 10411
- 1.9.44 in Essen with s.134 (o), s. 1.-3., 5.-6./233 (o), s.321 (o), s.353 (o), s. 2.-3., 5./462 (o), le. 1.-3., 5./718 (o), le. 1.-2., 4.-5./748 (o), le.826 (o), s.Flak-Bttr.zbV 10400, 10411 and 10419
- 1.10.44 in Essen with 1.-4./s.134 (o); Stab, 1.-3., 5.-6./s.233 (o); s.321 (o); s.353 (o); Stab, 2., 5./s.462 (o); Stab, 1.-3., 5./le.718 (o); 2., 4./le.748 (o); s.Flak-Bttr.zbV 10400, 10411, 10419 and 10462
- 1.11.44 in Essen with 1.-4./s.134 (o); Stab, 1.-3., 5.-6./s.233 (o); s.321 (o); Stab, 1., 4./s.353 (o); Stab, 2., 5./s.462 (o); Stab, 1.-2., 5./le.718 (o); 2./le.748 (o); s.Flak-Bttr.zbV 10400, 10411, 10419 and 10462
- 1.12.44 in Essen with 1.-4./s.134 (o); Stab, 1.-3., 5.-6./s.233 (o); 2./s.278 (E); s.321 (o); Stab, 1., 4./s.353 (o); Stab, 2., 5./s.462 (o); Stab, 1.-2., 5./le.718 (o); 2./le.748 (o)
- 4.45 in Ruhr pocket
I./Flak-Regiment 44 (gem. mot.):
Formed 1.10.37 in Essen-Kray with 1. - 5. Batterien.
In 4.40 4. and 5./44 became 9. and 10./441, and was not replaced.
In 12.41 redesignated s.Flak-Abteilung 471 (1. - 3./44 became 1. - 3./471).
- 10.37 - 2.38 in Essen under Höh.Kdr.d.Flakart. in Luftkreis IV
- 2.38 - 7.38 in Essen under Luftgaukommando VI
- 7.38 - 9.41(?) in Essen under Luftverteidigungskommando 4
- 2.41 in Essen
II./Flak-Regiment 44 (gem. mot.):
Formed 1.10.37 in Essen-Kray (as a le.Abt.) with 6. - 10. Batterien. On 15.11.38 redesignated le.Flak-Abteilung 74.
Reformed 12.40(?) in Essen(?) from Res.Flak-Abteilung 444, with 6. - 10. Batterien (now as gem.Abt.). Equipped with some 10.5cm guns.
In 12.41(?) redesignated s.Flak-Abteilung 472 (Stab, 6. - 8./44 became Stab, 1. - 3./472), with 9. and 10./44 becoming 1. and 2./le.748.
- 10.37 - 2.38 in Essen under Höh.Kdr.d.Flakart. in Luftkreis IV
- 2.38 - 7.38 in Essen under Luftgaukommando VI
- 7.38 - 11.38 and 12.40 - 12.41 in Essen under Luftverteidigungskommando 4
III./Flak-Regiment 44 (Sw. mot.):
Formed 15.11.38 in Lippstadt with 11. - 13. Batterien. 14./44 was formed in late 1942.
In 8.43 redesignated Flakscheinwerfer-Abteilung 410, with 14./44 returning to the Flak-Lehr-Regiment.
- 7.38 - 1941 in Lippstadt under Luftverteidigungskommando 4
- 1.42 - 1.43 as II./Flakscheinwerfer-Regiment 5 supporting the Himmelbett system
- 1943 in Luftgau III (Stettin)
- 4.43 in Stettin
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