Flak-Regiment 61
Stab/Flak-Regiment 61 (o):
- Obstlt Werner von Kistowski, 26.8.39 - 20.3.40
- GenMaj Rudolf Schulze, 20.3.40 - 31.1.42
- Oberst Paul Koester, 1.2.42 - 1.9.43
- Oberst Alfred Krempe, 1.9.43 - 31.8.44
- Obstlt Alfred Richter, 1.9.44 - 20.1.45
- Maj Walter Jürgen, 21.1.45 - 2.45
- Oberst Werner Grunow, 2.45 - 5.45
Formed 26.8.39 in Hamburg.
- 1939 - 1941 in Hamburg as Flakgruppe Hamburg-Süd
- 1941 - 1943 in Lübeck as Flakgruppe Lübeck
- 1.11.43 in Lübeck as Flakgruppe Lübeck under 8. Flak-Brigade, with s. 1.-7./232 (o), s. 1.-2./275 (o), s. 4./461 (o), le. 1., 5. and 6./770 (o), le. 4./770 (o), Sw. 1.-4./580 (o), Lsp. 1.-3./105 (o) and Ausw.Zug 50 (mot.)
- 1.1.44 in Lübeck as Flakgruppe Lübeck under 8. Flak-Brigade, with s.232 (o), s. 1./275 (o), s.413 (o), s. 4./461 (o), le.770 (o), le. 2./602 (o), le.916 (o), Lsp.105 (o), Sw.580 (o) and Sw.584 (o)
- 1.2.44 in Lübeck as Flakgruppe Lübeck under 8. Flak-Brigade, with s.232 (o), s. 1./275 (o), s.413 (o), s. 4./461 (o), s. 3./611 (o), le.770 (o), le. 2./602 (o), le.916 (o), Sw.584 (o), Lsp.105 (o), Sw.580 (o), s.Flak-Bttr.zbV 5936 and 5937
- 1.3.44 in Lübeck as Flakgruppe Lübeck under 8. Flak-Brigade, with s.232 (o), s. 1./275 (o), s.413 (o), s. 4./461 (o), s. 3./611 (o), le.770 (o), le. 2./602 (o), le.916 (o), Sw.580 (o), Sw.584 (o), Lsp.105 (o), s.Flak-Bttr.zbV 5936 and 5937
- 1.4.44 in Lübeck as Flakgruppe Lübeck under 8. Flak-Brigade, with s.232 (o), s.413 (o), s. 4./461 (o), s. 3./611 (o), le.770 (o), le. 2./602 (o), le.916 (o), le. 4./613 (o), Sw.580 (o), Sw.584 (o), s.Flak-Bttr.zbV 5936 and 5937, 1. Lehr- u. Vers. Batterie, 10 le.Alarm-Flak-Bttr. (3./XI, 4./XI, 28./XI, 54./XI, 41./XI, 43./XI, 44./XI, 124./XI, 137./XI, 138./XI), 6 s.Heimat-Flak-Bttr. (208.-211./XI, 213.-214./XI) and 4 le.Heimat-Flak-Bttr. (9./XI, 16./XI, 32./XI, 75./XI)
- 1.5.44 in Lübeck as Flakgruppe Lübeck under 8. Flak-Brigade, with s.232 (o), s.413 (o), s. 4./461 (o), s. 3./611 (o), le.770 (o), le. 5./822 (E), le.916 (o), le. 4./613 (o), Sw.580 (o), Sw.584 (o), s.Flak-Bttr.zbV 5936 and 5937, 1. Lehr- u. Vers. Batterie, 10 le.Alarm-Flak-Bttr. (3./XI, 4./XI, 28./XI, 41./XI, 54./XI, 43./XI, 44./XI, 124./XI, 137./XI, 138./XI), 6 s.Heimat-Flak-Bttr. (208.-211./XI, 213.-214./XI) and 8 le.Heimat-Flak-Bttr. (9./XI, 16./XI, 32./XI, 66./XI, 67./XI, 75./XI, 85./XI, 124./XI)
- 1.6.44 in Rheine(?) as Flakgruppe Weser-Ems under 8. Flak-Division, with s. 1.-3./232 (o), s.413 (o), s. 4./461 (o), s. 3./611 (o), le. 2.-8./916 (o), le. 1. and 6./770 (o), le. 4.-5./613 (o), 12 le.Alarm-Flak-Bttr. (3./XI, 4./XI, 28./XI, 41./XI, 54./XI, 55./XI, 43./XI, 44./XI, 85./XI, 124./XI, 137./XI, 138./XI), 2 s.Heimat-Flak-Bttr. (209./XI, 211./XI) and 7 le.Heimat-Flak-Bttr. (9./XI, 15./XI, 16./XI, 32./XI, 44./XI, 66./XI, 67./XI)
- 1.7.44 in Rheine(?) as Flakgruppe Weser-Ems under 8. Flak-Division, with s. 1.-3. and 7./232 (o), s.413 (o), s. 4./461 (o), s. 3./611 (o), le. 2.-8./916 (o), le. 1. and 6./770 (o), le. 4.-5./613 (o), le. 6./844 (o), le. 5./822 (mot.), 10 le.Alarm-Flak-Bttr. (3./XI, 4./XI, 41./XI, 54./XI, 55./XI, 43./XI, 44./XI, 124./XI, 137./XI, 138./XI), 2 s.Heimat-Flak-Bttr. (209./XI, 211./XI) and 9 le.Heimat-Flak-Bttr. (9./XI, 15./XI, 16./XI, 28./XI, 32./XI, 44./XI, 66./XI, 67./XI, 85./XI)
- 1.8.44 in Rheine(?) as Flakgruppe Weser-Ems under 8. Flak-Brigade, with Stab, 1.-3. and 7./s.232 (o), Stab, 1., 2. and 6./le.770 (o), Stab, 2.-8./le.916 (o), 4./s.461 (o), 3./s.611 (o), 4.-5./s.613 (o), 6./le.844 (o), 5./le.822 (E), 10 le.Alarm-Flak-Bttr. (3./XI, 4./XI, 43./XI, 44./XI, 54./XI, 124./XI, 137./XI, 138./XI, 211./XI, 209./XI), 4 s.Heimat-Flak-Bttr. (208./XI, 210./XI, 213./XI, 214./XI) and 9 le.Heimat-Flak-Bttr. (9./XI, 15./XI, 16./XI, 28./XI, 32./XI, 44./XI, 66./XI, 67./XI, 85./XI)
- 1.9.44 in Rheine(?) as Flakgruppe Weser-Ems under 3. Flak-Division, with Stab/s.232 (o) with 4 batteries (1.-3., 7./s.232 (o)); Stab/s.413 (o) with 3 batteries (1.-2./s.413 (o) and 4./s.461 (o)); Stab/gem.604 (o) with 5 batteries (1.-2./gem.604 (o), 3./s.611 (o), 4.-5./s.613 (o)); Stab/le.770 (o) with 10 batteries (1., 2. and 6./le.770 (o), 6./le.844 (o), le.Alarm-Flak-Bttr. 3./XI, 41./XI, 43./XI, 55./XI, 124./XI and 137./XI); Stab/le.916 (o) with 7 batteries (2.-8./le.916 (o)); 6 s.Heimat-Flak-Bttr. (208.-211./XI, 213.-214./XI); 9 le.Heimat-Flak-Bttr. (9./XI, 15./XI, 16./XI, 28./XI, 32./XI, 44./XI, 66./XI, 67./XI, 85./XI); 3 le.Alarm-Flak-Bttr. (4./XI, 54./XI, 138./XI)
- 1.10.44 as Flakgruppe Weser-Ems under 8. Flak-Division, with 3./le.770 (o); 2./le.876 (o); 6./le.916 (o); Stab/le.942 (o) with 1.-4./le.942 (o) and le.Heimat-Flak-Bttr. 11./XI; Stab/le.988 (o) with 1.-5./le.988 (o), 5./le.762 (o), le.Heimat-Flak-Bttr. 12./XI, 20./XI and 52./XI; le.Heimat-Flak-Bttr. 60./XI, 92./XI, 93./XI; le.Alarm-Flak-Bttr. 95./XI, 112./XI, 113./XI and 133./XI
- 1.11.44 as Flakgruppe Weser-Ems under 8. Flak-Division, with 1.-3./Lsp.206 (o); Stab/s.224 (o) with 4./s.211 (b.mot.), 8./s.326 (b.mot.), 4./s.383 (b.mot.), 1.-3./le.942 (o), Flak-Bttr.zbV 5575, le.Heimat-Flak-Bttr. 60./XI and 92./XI; 3./le.770 (o); Stab/le.879 (o) with 5./le.743 (o) and 5./le.988 (o); Stab/le.988 (o) with 1.-4./le.988 (o), 5./le.762 (o), le.Heimat-Flak-Bttr. 12./XI, 20./XI and 52./XI; le.Heimat-Flak-Bttr. 93./XI; le.Alarm-Flak-Bttr. 95./XI, 112./XI, 113./XI and 133./XI
- 1.12.44 as Flakgruppe Weser-Ems under 8. Flak-Division, with 1.-2./Lsp.206 (o); 3./le.770 (o); Stab/le.879 (o) with 5./le.743 (o), 1.-3./le.942 (o), 3., 5./le.988 (o), le.Heimat-Flak-Bttr. 60./XI, 92./XI; Stab/le.988 (o) with 1., 2., 4./le.988 (o), 5./le.762 (o), le.Heimat-Flak-Bttr. 12./XI and 52./XI; le.Heimat-Flak-Bttr. 93./XI; le.Alarm-Flak-Bttr. 95./XI, 112./XI, 113./XI and 133./XI
I./Flak-Regiment 61 (gem. mot.):
Formed 1.10.37 in Wismar from Flak-Abteilung 31, with 1. - 5. Batterien.
In 1940 a new 5./61 was formed from le. 6./Rgt. General Göring.
- 10.37 - 7.38 in Wismar under Flakkommandeur Kiel
- 7.38 - 1.4.39 in Wismar under Luftverteidigungskommando 2, Luftgau III
- 1.4.39 - 8.39 in Wismar under Luftverteidigungskommando 6, Luftgau XI
- 9.39 Koluft 4. Armee (XII. Armeekorps), southern Poland, Brest Litovsk
- 5.40 in France, II. Flakkorps (Stab/Flak-Regiment 202)
- 9.40 in Dunkirk
- 1.41 in Romania
- 5.41 in Greece (Athens), Stab/Flak-Regiment 18
- 6.41 Koluft 17. Armee (Stab/Flak-Regiment 42), southern Russia
- 1942/43 in southern Russia under 15. Flak-Division (Stab/Flak-Regiment 7, later Stab/Flak-Regiment 4)
- 1.11.43 not listed
- 1.1.44 under 17. Flak-Division (Stab/Flak-Regiment 48)
- 1.2.44 under 17. Flak-Division (Stab/Flak-Regiment 48)
- 1.3.44 under 17. Flak-Division (Stab/Flak-Regiment 48)
- 1.4.44 under 10. Flak-Division (Stab/Flak-Regiment 48)
- 1.5.44 under 17. Flak-Division (Stab/Flak-Regiment 48)
- 1.6.44 under 17. Flak-Division (Stab/Flak-Regiment 48)
- 1.7.44 under 17. Flak-Division (Stab/Flak-Regiment 48)
- 7.44 in northern Ukraine
- 1.8.44 under 17. Flak-Division (Stab/Flak-Regiment 48)
- 1.9.44 under 10. Flak-Division (Stab/Flak-Regiment 48)
- 1.10.44 under 10. Flak-Division (Stab/Flak-Regiment 48)
- 1.11.44 under 10. Flak-Division (Stab/Flak-Regiment 48)
- 1.12.44 under 10. Flak-Division (Stab/Flak-Regiment 48)
- 1945 in Baranow (Stab/Flak-Regiment 48), and later Oberschlesien (Bautzen), Luftgau VIII and IV
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