Flak-Regiment 22
Stab/Flak-Regiment 22 (o):
- Oberst Karl Soeldner, 15.11.38 - 31.3.40
- Obstlt Georg von Gyldenfeldt, 1.4.40 - 31.7.40
- Oberst Hugo Schörgi, 8.8.40 - 8.12.40
- Oberst Oskar Kraemer, 12.40 - 1.2.44
- Obstlt Wilhelm Smollenski, 2.2.44 - 2.5.45
Formed 15.11.38 in Brandenburg/Havel.
- 11.38 - 8.39 in Brandenburg/Havel under Luftverteidigungskommando 1
- 1939 - 40(?) as Flakgruppe Magdeburg
- 1940 - 45 as Flakgruppe Berlin-Süd, 1. Flak-Division
- 1.11.43 in Berlin-Lankwitz with s.513 (o), s.126 (o), s.307 (o), s.362 (o), s.211 (o), le.979 (o), Ausw.Zug 3 (v), Auw.Zug 22 (v), le.Alarm-Bttr. 103./III, le.Heimat-Bttr. 23./III, 28./III and 32./III
- 1.1.44 in Berlin-Lankwitz with s.126 (o), s.211 (o), s.307 (o), s.362 (o), s.513 (o), le.979 (o), Flak-Bttr. zbV 5549, le.Alarm-Flak-Bttr. 103./III and 3 le.Heimat-Flak-Bttr. (23./III, 28./III, 32./III)
- 1.2.44 in Berlin-Lankwitz with s.126 (o), s.211 (o), s.307 (o), s.362 (o), s.513 (o), le.979 (o), Flak-Bttr. zbV 5549, 5555, 5560, le.Alarm-Flak-Bttr. 103./III and 3 le.Heimat-Flak-Bttr. (23./III, 28./III, 32./III)
- 1.3.44 in Berlin-Lankwitz with s.126 (o), s.211 (o), s.307 (o), s.362 (o), s. 1./377 (v), le.979 (o), Flak-Bttr. zbV 5262, 5563, le.Alarm-Flak-Bttr. 103./III and 3 le.Heimat-Flak-Bttr. (23./III, 28./III, 32./III)
- 1.4.44 in Berlin-Lankwitz with s.126 (o), s.211 (o), s.307 (o), s.362 (o), s. 1.-2./377 (v), le.979 (o), s. 1.-2./662 (o), Flak-Bttr. zbV 5262, 5563, le.Alarm-Flak-Bttr. 103./III and 3 le.Heimat-Flak-Bttr. (23./III, 28./III, 32./III)
- 1.5.44 in Berlin-Lankwitz with s.126 (o), s.211 (o), s.307 (o), s.362 (o), s. 1./377 (v), s. 1.-3./662 (o), le. 3./722 (o), le. 3./733 (o), le.979 (o), Flak-Bttr. zbV 5562, 5563, 5574, 5575, le.Alarm-Flak-Bttr. 103./III and 4 le.Heimat-Flak-Bttr. (23./III, 22./III, 28./III, 32./III)
- 1.6.44 in Berlin-Lankwitz with s.126 (o), s.211 (o), s.307 (o), s.362 (o), s. 1./377 (v), s. 1.-3./662 (o), le. 3./722 (o), le. 3./733 (o), le.979 (o), Flak-Bttr. zbV 5562, 5563, 5574, 5575, le.Alarm-Flak-Bttr. 103./III and 4 le.Heimat-Flak-Bttr. (23./III, 22./III, 28./III, 32./III)
- 1.7.44 in Berlin-Lankwitz with s.126 (o), s.173 (o), s.211 (o), s.307 (o), s.362 (o), s. 1./377 (v), le.979 (o), Lsp. 4./104 (o), Flak-Bttr. zbV 5553, 6514, 6512, 6524, 4 le.Alarm-Flak-Bttr. (103./III, 84./III, 26./III, 32./III) and 12 le.Heimat-Flak-Bttr. (23./III, 28./III, 32./III, 34./III, 45./III, 1./III, 3./III, 16./III, 202./III, 203./III, 204./III, 209./III)
- 1.8.44 in Berlin-Lankwitz with Stab/s.126 (o) with 4 batteries (1.-4./s.126 (o)); Stab/s.173 (o) with 9 batteries (1.-4./s.173 (o), s.Heimat-Flak-Bttr. 202./III, 203./III, 204./III, 209./III, 232./III); Stab/s.211 (o) with 4 batteries (2.-3., 5./s.211 (o), 2./s.326 (o)); Stab/s.362 (o) with 5 batteries (1., 3.-5./s.362 (o), 3./s.396 (o)); Stab/s.307 (o) with 4 batteries (3.-4., 6./s.307 (o), s.Heimat-Flak-Bttr. 233./III); Stab/le.979 (o) with 10 batteries (1.-3./le.979 (o), le.Heimat-Flak-Bttr. 23./III, 28./III, 3./III, 16./III, 32./III, 34./III, 45./III); s.Flak-Bttr.zbV 5574, 5575, 5553, 6512, 6514, 6524; Stab/Heimat-Flak-Abt. 1./III; Lsp. 4./104 (o) and 3 Le.Alarm-Flak-Bttr. (84./III, 26./III, 32./III)
- 1.9.44 in Berlin-Lankwitz with Stab/s.173 (o) with 8 batteries (1., 3.-4./s.173 (o), s.Heimat-Flak-Bttr. 202./III, 203./III, 204./III, 209./III, 232./III); Stab/s.211 (o) with 10 batteries (2.-3., 5./s.211 (o), 3.-4./s.126 (o), 3./s.307 (o), 2./s.326 (o), 3./s.396 (o), s.Flak-Bttr.zbV 5553, 5574); Stab/s.362 (o) with 8 batteries (1., 3.-4./s.362 (o), 1.-2./s.126 (o), 6./s.307 (o), s.Heimat-Flak-Bttr. 233./III, s.Flak-Bttr.zbV 5575); Stab/le.979 (o) with 8 batteries (1.-3./le.979 (o), le.Heimat-Flak-Bttr. 23./III, 28./III, 32./III, le.Alarm-Flak-Bttr. 84./III, le.Flak-Bttr.zbV 6512) and Stab/Heimat-Flak-Abteilung 1./III with 9 batteries (Lsp. 4./104 (o), le.Heimat-Flak-Bttr. 16./III, 34./III, 45./III, le.Alarm-Flak-Bttr. 26./III, 32./III, 104./III, Flak-Bttr.zbV 6514, 6524)
- 1.10.44 in Berlin-Lankwitz with Stab/Lsp.104 (o) with 4 batteries (4./Lsp.104 (o), 1., 2., 8./Lsp.105 (o)); Stab/s.126 (o) with 8 batteries (1., 2./s.126 (o), 6./s.307 (o), 1., 3.-4./s.362 (o), s.Heimat-Flak-Bttr. 213./III, 233./III); Stab/s.211 (o) with 10 batteries (3., 5./s.211 (o), 3., 4./s.126 (o), 2./s.326 (o), 3./s.396 (o), s.Flak.Bttr.zbV 5553 and 5574, s.Heimat-Flak-Bttr. 212./III, 214./III); s.Flak-Bttr.zbV 5575; Stab/le.979 (o) with 8 batteries (1.-3./le.979 (o), 1./le.733 (o), le.Heimat-Flak-Bttr. 23./III, 28./III, le.Alarm-Flak-Bttr. 84./III, le.Flak-Bttr.zbV 6512); Stab/Heimat-Flak-Abteilung 1./III with 13 batteries (le.Heimat-Flak-Bttr. 3./III, 16./III, 34./III, 45./III, s.Heimat-Flak-Bttr. 202 - 204./III, 209./III, 232./III, le.Alarm-Flak-Bttr. 26./III, 32./III, le.Flak-Bttr.zbV 6514, 6524)
- 1.11.44 in Berlin-Lankwitz with Stab/Lsp.104 (o) with 4 batteries (4./Lsp.104 (o), 1., 2., 8./Lsp.105 (o)); Stab/s.126 (o) with 8 batteries (6./s.307 (o), 1., 3.-4./s.362 (o), s.Heimat-Flak-Bttr. 213./III, 233./III, 202./III, 204./III); Stab/s.211 (o) with 10 batteries (3., 5.-7./s.211 (o), 4./s.126 (o), 2./s.326 (o), 3./s.396 (o), 7./s.437 (o), s.Heimat-Flak-Bttr. 212./III, 214./III); Stab/le.979 (o) with 7 batteries (1.-3./le.979 (o), 1./le.733 (o), le.Heimat-Flak-Bttr. 28./III, le.Alarm-Flak-Bttr. 84./III, le.Flak-Bttr.zbV 6512); Stab/Heimat-Flak-Abteilung 1./III with 7 batteries (le.Heimat-Flak-Bttr. 3./III, 34./III, 45./III, le.Alarm-Flak-Bttr. 26./III, 32./III, le.Flak-Bttr.zbV 6514, 6524)
- 1.12.44 in Berlin-Lankwitz with Stab/Lsp.104 (o) with 4 batteries (1, 2., 4., 6./Lsp.104 (o)); Stab/s.126 (o) with 8 batteries (6./s.307 (o), 1., 3.-4./s.362 (o), s.Heimat-Flak-Bttr. 213./III, 233./III, 202./III, 204./III); Stab/s.211 (o) with 6 batteries (5.-7./s.211 (o), 2./s.326 (o), s.Heimat-Flak-Bttr. 212./III, 214./III); Stab/le.979 (o) with 12 batteries (1.-3./le.979 (o), 1./le.722 (o), 1./le.733 (o), le.Heimat-Flak-Bttr. 28./III, le.Alarm-Flak-Bttr. 84./III, le.Flak-Bttr.zbV 6512, 6517, 6541, 6545, 6546); Stab/Heimat-Flak-Abteilung 1./III with 8 batteries (le.Heimat-Flak-Bttr. 3./III, 34./III, 45./III, le.Alarm-Flak-Bttr. 26./III, 32./III, le.Flak-Bttr.zbV 6514, 6524, 6./gem.564 (v))
I./Flak-Regiment 22 (gem. mot.):
Formed 1.4.35 in Döberitz from Flak-Abteilung 9 (Heer) with 1. - 5. Batterien. 1.4.35 - 1.11.35 used the cover designation Fahr-Abt. Döberitz.
- 10.35 - 2.38 under Höh.Kdr.d.Flakart. in Luftkreis II
- 2.38 - 7.38 under Luftgaukommando III
- 7.38 - 8.39 in Döberitz-Elsgrund under Luftverteidigungskommando 1
- 1939 under Koluft 10th Armee in southern Poland (ground combat near Ilza), attached to 3. leichte Division
- 1940 under I. Flakkorps (Flak-Regiment 101) in Battle of France
- 1941 under I. Flakkorps (Flak-Regiment 101) in Central Russia, attached to Panzergruppe 2
- 4.42(?) - 1945 mainly attached to 18. Flak-Division
- 11.42 at Orel
- 1.11.43 under 12. Flak-Division (Stab/Flak-Regiment 101)
- 1.1.44 under 23. Flak-Division (Stab/Flak-Regiment 31)
- 1.2.44 under 23. Flak-Division (Stab/Flak-Regiment 31)
- 1.3.44 under 18. Flak-Division (Stab/Flak-Regiment 10)
- 1.4.44 under 18. Flak-Division (Stab/Flak-Regiment 10)
- 1.5.44 under 18. Flak-Division (Stab/Flak-Regiment 10)
- 1.6.44 under 18. Flak-Division (Stab/Flak-Regiment 10)
- 1.7.44 under 18. Flak-Division (Stab/Flak-Regiment 10)
- 7.44 at Brest-Litovsk
- 1.8.44 under 18. Flak-Division (Stab/Flak-Regiment 10)
- 1.9.44 under 12. Flak-Division (Stab/Flak-Regiment 77)
- 1.10.44 under 12. Flak-Division (Stab/Flak-Regiment 77)
- 1.11.44 under 12. Flak-Division (Stab/Flak-Regiment 21)
- 1.12.44 under 12. Flak-Division (Stab/Flak-Regiment 21)
- 1.45 at Dramburg and Greifenberg
II./Flak-Regiment 22 (gem. mot.):
Formed 1.4.35 in Brandenburg/Havel from Fla-MG-Abt. 2 (Heer) with 6. - 8. Batterien, as II.(le.)/Flak-Regiment 22 (mot.). 1.4.35 - 1.11.35 used the cover designation Fahr-Abt. Brandenburg.
On 15.11.38 reorganised as a gemischte Abteilung, now with 6. - 10. Batterien.
In 1942 8./22 and 8./RGG exchanged designations.
- 10.35 - 2.38 under Höh.Kdr.d.Flakart. in Luftkreis II
- 2.38 - 7.38 under Luftgaukommando III
- 7.38 - 8.39 in Brandenburg/Havel under Luftverteidigungskommando 1
- 1939 under Koluft AOK.8 in southern Poland
- 1940 - 1944 in France/Holland (1943 at Amiens)
- 5.42 at Rennes
- 8.42 at Le Mans
- 5.43 at Bordeaux
- 1.11.43 under 16. Flak-Division (Stab/Flak-Regiment 132)
- 1.1.44 at Amiens, under 16. Flak-Division (Stab/Flak-Regiment 37)
- 1.2.44 at Amiens, under 16. Flak-Division (Stab/Flak-Regiment 37)
- 1.3.44 at Amiens, under 16. Flak-Division (Stab/Flak-Regiment 37)
- 1.4.44 under 16. Flak-Division (Stab/Flak-Regiment 37)
- 1.5.44 under 16. Flak-Division (Stab/Flak-Regiment 11)
- 1.6.44 under 16. Flak-Division (Stab/Flak-Regiment 11)
- 6.44 at Arras, attached to Stab/Flak-Sturm-Regiment 3 as II. Gruppe
- 1.7.44 under III. Flakkorps (Stab/Flak-Sturm-Regiment 3)
- 1.8.44 under III. Flakkorps (Stab/Flak-Sturm-Regiment 3)
- 1.9.44 under III. Flakkorps (Stab/Flak-Sturm-Regiment 3)
- 1.10.44 under III. Flakkorps
- 1.11.44 under Stab/Flak-Sturm-Regiment 3
- 1.12.44 under Stab/Flak-Sturm-Regiment 3
- 12.44 in Eifel area (III. Flakkorps)
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